Sunday, March 4, 2018

Doctors and Medical Marijuana

Did you know that a doctor conducted a case study about medical marijuana? More and more people believe that marijuana can actually help patients who are suffering from certain diseases. In this article by Chris Nazarenus, he talks about the case study that was conducted by a doctor about medical marijuana:

Physician David Casarett was tired of hearing hype and half-truths around medical marijuana, so he put on his skeptic’s hat and investigated on his own. He comes back with a fascinating report on what we know and what we don’t — and what mainstream medicine could learn from the modern medical marijuana dispensary. 
In his third book, Stoned: A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana palliative care physician David Casarett takes a first-person investigative journalist’s approach to making sense of marijuana’s therapeutic potential and adverse effects. He shares what he’s learned about this chronically misunderstood drug — including the control it gives patients over their health and the educational atmosphere of dispensaries — and outlines what we still need to do to explore its potential health benefits. Read full post here..

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Alcoholism and Cannabis

Can you believe that cannabis can actually help with acloholism? As you all know, too much consumption of alcohol can affect the body, including the liver, brain, and heart. This article by Lane Trachy talks about how cannabis can help alcoholism.

Marijuana maintenance is the term associated with using cannabis to treat alcohol abuse. When someone is using marijuana maintenance, they replace alcohol with marijuana and either continue to use cannabis or ween off of cannabis once their alcoholism withdrawal symptoms are relieved. According to those who believe in the idea’s efficacy, cannabis can be consumed when a craving for alcohol arises. It can also be used as a less-harmful and natural alternative replacement for prescription medications for alcoholics. Read full post here…

Friday, March 2, 2018

Can Cannabis Kill Cancer Cells

As you all know, cancer kills millions of people all over the world every single year. Some are undergoing radiations that can also be dangerous. Fortunately, researches are created wherein cannabis is the one that can help kill cancer cells effectively and safely. In this article by Lane Trachy, she talks about how cannabis can kill cancer cells:

Almost everyone has been directly or indirectly affected by cancer. The most common form of this deadly family of diseases is skin cancer, and the most common form of skin cancer is melanoma. Melanoma is usually caused by the overexposure of skin to UV rays. Due to its aggressive nature, melanoma is widely regarded as the most dangerous form of cancer. If not treated early, melanoma can quickly metastasize in other parts of the body. A recent study has shown that melanoma cannabis treatment may help reduce the number of cancer cells in patients. Read full post here...

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Can Cannabis Help With Obesity

Obesity is one of the most growing problems of many today. This is the reason why some people are trying to lose weight with the use of health supplements. But did you know that one of the supplements that has been growing in popularity because of its effectiveness is cannabis? In this article by Lane Trachy, she talks about the connection of cannabis and obesity:

Most cannabis users, whether they indulge recreationally or medically, know exactly how marijuana affects appetite. According to a study published in Nature, the feeling known as “the munchies” is caused by certain cannabinoids in cannabis interfering with signals that tell the brain you are full. This interference gives a cannabis consumer the ability to eat an entire bag of chips and still feel hungry, because the brain believes the stomach is not full. Even though this is true, a study released in the American Journal of Epidemiology suggests that cannabis lowers obesity rates. People who consume cannabis may be less likely to become obese or diabetic. See full post here...

Cannabis and Asthma

Did you know that cannabis is said to help people who are suffering from asthma? As you all know, asthma is  a kind of respiratory disease. It can make a person’s breathing difficult, which can even lead to death. There are a lot of medications for asthma but one of the herbal medications that is growing in popularity is cannabis. Get to know more about it by reading this article from

You might not think something like marijuana would have the ability to relieve side effects of asthma. It seems a bit counter-intuitive. Due to the respiratory characteristics of asthma symptoms, using cannabis for asthma treatment is an even more far-fetched concept. The idea that cannabis would help treat asthma symptoms seems laughable. 
While cannabis is most widely consumed by inhalation of smoke, there are other methods of medication that are better suited for asthma sufferers. The use of a cannabis vaporizer (heats cannabis enough to release cannabinoids, but not enough to burn), edibles, and tinctures (oils placed under the tongue) all provide the desired soothing effects of cannabis without the need to smoke marijuana. See full post here…

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Crohn’s Disease and Medical Marijuana

As you all know, Crohn’s disease affects almost half of the population of America. It causes a person’s immune system to attack the gut’s good bacteria. There are a lot of treatment for this disease, but what people don’t know is that medical marijuana can also help. Get to know more by reading the article below:

study conducted at Israel’s Meir Medical Center in 2013 was the first placebo controlled study of the effects marijuana has on Crohn’s disease. The study treated eleven subjects with multiple joints per day over a week. Of the eleven subjects, five actually entered remission, and ten of the eleven reported improvement of condition. The ten subjects who said their symptoms had improved also noted that their quality of life had increased, they slept better, and that they had increased appetites. See full post here..

Monday, February 12, 2018

Marijuana and Arthritis

Arthritis is one of the most common problem of elderlies. But due to the stresses that people experience today, younger ones are also experiencing this problem. Did you know that there is a connection between marijuana and arthritis? In this article by they talk about the connection between the two.

For some, arthritis is nothing more than an annoying side effect of aging. But for most, it is a debilitating and painful condition that causes daily suffering. Activities that were once simple tasks like walking around or opening a jar are made impossible due to debilitating joint pain and weakness. Current anti-inflammatory drug treatments for arthritis aren’t doing enough. Can marijuana anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation from arthritis? 
For those who suffer from arthritis, the option of using medical marijuana to help treat its painful symptoms has been explored by many. Scientists have proven that Marijuana is a highly effective anti-inflammatory medicine. Read full post here…