Sunday, March 4, 2018

Doctors and Medical Marijuana

Did you know that a doctor conducted a case study about medical marijuana? More and more people believe that marijuana can actually help patients who are suffering from certain diseases. In this article by Chris Nazarenus, he talks about the case study that was conducted by a doctor about medical marijuana:

Physician David Casarett was tired of hearing hype and half-truths around medical marijuana, so he put on his skeptic’s hat and investigated on his own. He comes back with a fascinating report on what we know and what we don’t — and what mainstream medicine could learn from the modern medical marijuana dispensary. 
In his third book, Stoned: A Doctor’s Case for Medical Marijuana palliative care physician David Casarett takes a first-person investigative journalist’s approach to making sense of marijuana’s therapeutic potential and adverse effects. He shares what he’s learned about this chronically misunderstood drug — including the control it gives patients over their health and the educational atmosphere of dispensaries — and outlines what we still need to do to explore its potential health benefits. Read full post here..

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