Friday, March 2, 2018

Can Cannabis Kill Cancer Cells

As you all know, cancer kills millions of people all over the world every single year. Some are undergoing radiations that can also be dangerous. Fortunately, researches are created wherein cannabis is the one that can help kill cancer cells effectively and safely. In this article by Lane Trachy, she talks about how cannabis can kill cancer cells:

Almost everyone has been directly or indirectly affected by cancer. The most common form of this deadly family of diseases is skin cancer, and the most common form of skin cancer is melanoma. Melanoma is usually caused by the overexposure of skin to UV rays. Due to its aggressive nature, melanoma is widely regarded as the most dangerous form of cancer. If not treated early, melanoma can quickly metastasize in other parts of the body. A recent study has shown that melanoma cannabis treatment may help reduce the number of cancer cells in patients. Read full post here...

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