Sunday, December 10, 2017

Tips on How to Avoid Your Bong from Breaking

It can be annoying to get your bong broken just because of your carelessness or other people’s carelessness. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t prevent his from happening. In this article by Robert C, he talks about how you can avoid your bong from breaking:

The scene is set. On the table is loose tobacco, a lighter and your 24” triple honeycomb perc beaker bong. All you need to do is light that bowl and your evening is made. But then suddenly a dog/boyfriend/mom/cop/alien appears and in your alarm, you knock over your mighty pipe and it ends the way many pipes end: in pieces. Breaking a bong is all too common for even the most careful smokers. The combination of glass and intoxication makes it hard to avoid. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to lessen the chance of bong breakage! See full post here…

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