Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Let’s Take a Look at Grav Labs Upline Collection

Have you heard about the latest Grav Lab's pipes? They have their upline collection that every smoker has to know about. If you have not tried using Grav Lab's pipes, then maybe the upline collection will convince you to have one. In this article by Robert, he talks about this latest craze:

Glassblower Micah Evans - one of the creatives behind Grav Labs' pipes - is known for his unique perspective. His personal heady glass designs include a line of "tea spill" based bongs where the bodies emulate the movement of spilling liquids. Evans 'style would seem to be at odds with Grav Labs' line of scientific glass, but he has managed to inject his personality into their "Upline" collection. See full post here ...

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