Thursday, November 30, 2017

Why Is Glycerin Coils Cool?

Some of you may have heard about Glycerin Coils and how cool it is, while some may be wondering as to what it is. For people who are still wondering, Glycerin Coils are made out of freezable glass pieces, which can be reattached and detach to the bong. But what does it actually does? Let’s find out in Robert’s article right here below:

One of the benefits of smoking from a bong is that they provide smoother hits than hand pipes and rolling papers. This is further helped by percolators and ice-catchers, which serve to make smoking even smoother. A device that combines the two is the Glycerin Coil (otherwise known as a condenser coil), a freezable glass piece that can be detached and re-attached to the rest of the bong. These coils are glass chambers filled with liquid glycerin and they have coils inside to allow smoke to pass through. They’re located on the neck of a bong above the chamber. Like an ice-catcher, these coils cool down your smoke. In addition, the twisting tube inside smoothes your smoke by reducing the debris and water you inhale. Read full post here...

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