Thursday, July 6, 2017

Annals of Internal Medicine confirms health benefits of vaping

As the vaping industry watches the strange series of events engulfing the new Trump Administration, many of its collective hopes and dreams for a quick repeal of the FDA deeming regulations are being dashed.  However, a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine is gaining a great deal of traction, especially among select Washington DC insiders.

The cross-sectional study confirms that e-cigarettes are significantly less dangerous than the combustible variety.  And this conclusion directly contradicts a December announcement by the U.S. Surgeon General during the waning days of the Obama Administration.

Now that Trump is in office, and the political environment is essentially turned on its head, the Editor of Reason Magazine seems to be growing visibly more frustrated with the constant state of chaos occurring on Capitol Hill and elsewhere.  In a February 15 editorial, Editor Jacob Sullen makes the following statement.

“For Donald Trump, who was elected on promises of disruption and deregulation, an obvious target is the FDA's onerous new e-cigarette rules, which threaten to ruin thousands of businesses and stifle life-saving innovation. But Trump's freshly minted Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price, needn't wait for revision of those regulations to experiment with a new approach to e-cigarettes. How about telling the truth?”

“The truth,” as Sullen sees it, is clearly posted in the recent Annals of Internal Medicine study.  The research was led by a team of scientists from UK’s University College London and involves some 181 participants representing five different groups of vapers, smokers, and never smokers.

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